government officials involved in human trafficking 2021

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Page 29: Getty/Stefanie Glinski After three weeks of work, she was only paid US $23, far below the promised salary. Special thanks to Daniel Kim, Lamya Shawki El-Shacke, and the creative services team at Global Publishing Solutions. Megan Hjelle-Lantsman Service providers should make sure children understand their rights and are empowered to make decisions about their own care, where appropriate. Human traffickers targeted the growing number of people unable to mitigate, adapt to, or build resilience against the worsening economic and social effects; they also exploited situations where screening and identification of victims became even more difficult. Alternatively, the President may waive application of the foregoing restrictions upon a determination that the provision to a Tier 3 country of such assistance would promote the purposes of the TVPA or is otherwise in the national interest of the United States. Organizations can set themselves up for success in a manner that is adaptivenot stagnantto meet the evolving challenges of anti-trafficking efforts by mindfully weaving together survivor-leadership and trauma-informed approaches for the collective good of all who engage in anti-trafficking spaces. The President has determined that it is in the U.S. national interest to waive in part the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to South Sudan to allow for provision of PKO assistance and has certified that the Government of South Sudan is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. The multi-faceted challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve and expose vulnerability in individuals, as well as systemic gaps. Sudan A Growing Number of People Experiencing Economic and Social Vulnerabilities. Cryptocurrency transactions, including those involving human trafficking, are recorded on public blockchains. Poole and her staff have worked with more than 3,000 women. Laura Svat Rundlet Laos We will seek to use our year-round engagement with governments, advocates, and the private sector to build a more effective anti-trafficking strategy rooted in equity. In 2019, the Afghan Ministry of Interior expanded child protection units (CPUs) to all 34 provinces, an increase from the 27 CPUs in 2018, to prevent the recruitment of children into the Afghan National Police. In contrast, when Black and Brown bodies go missing you dont hear about their disappearance anywhere near as often, if at all., Autumn Burris, We know recent events have led our country to grapple with unequal treatment and racism here at home that has reverberated around the world. Ibusukis advocacy, along with his unwavering and admirable dedication to helping foreign nationals enduring labor exploitation and protecting their human rights, have brought these issues to the forefront and raised their profile within Japan and around the world. This narrative was written by a consultant for the Network funded by the TIP Office. This truncated narrative gives a few examples. When the family member is the trafficker, the exploitation is often normalized and accepted within the family culture, sometimes spanning generations. Governments should continue working with neighbors and NGOs to address cross-border trafficking issues and support strong collaboration at the borders to identify and prevent trafficking. The elements of both definitions can be described using a three-element framework focused on the traffickers 1) acts; 2) means; and 3) purpose. Page 46: Getty/Greg Baker Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. Argentina Acknowledging the emotional weight of bringing trafficking-related casework into ones home, survivor-led and survivor-informed organizations were mindful of staff needs when managing cases remotely, offering resources and opportunities to support the staffs emotional well-being. Spain In this position, Cabrera plays a pivotal role in advancing the offices ability to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases. Portugal Korea, South The United States continues to work with the FGS, including through the CPU, and the UN to monitor progress on the 2012 action plan and urge additional actions to prevent the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to demobilize, rehabilitate, and reintegrate children identified in the SNA or associated groups, or children previously associated with al-Shabaab. Peru (Tier 2) - Anti-trafficking police conducted 65 operations in 2020, resulting in 214 detentions in the first three quarters of the year, compared with 186 operations and 364 detentions in 2019 and 158 operations and 423 detentions in 2018. Somalia NOTES: Local currencies have been converted to U.S. dollars ($) using the currency exchange rates reported by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on December 31, 2020. Under Sagbo Sasses courageous leadership and vision, SIFOS offers critical education to children who have experienced human trafficking, homelessness, or residential institutionalization. Kendra L. Kreider The GNA has also committed to providing unhindered access to an international fact-finding mission created under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council in June 2020 to document human rights abuses in Libya. Saint Lucia Some governments and organizations conducted in-depth assessments to identify the changing trends. Under the human trafficking program, the FBI investigates: Sex trafficking: When individuals are. Three police officers were prosecuted for trafficking crimes, and a customs officer was charged in April 2021 under the Immigration Act for aiding and abetting the illegal entry of a Venezuelan migrant, but the investigation, which included a probe into whether the case involved human trafficking, is still pending. Fiji When children experience familial trafficking, they may develop educational and social delays, physical health problems, and psychological disorders, such as complex post-traumatic stress disorder and attachment disorders. Communicate updates on the progression of these changes. The TVPA provides such liability for any legal person, including a business that benefits financially from its involvement in a human trafficking scheme, provided that the business knew or should have known of the scheme. These delays decreased victims access to justice and legal assistance, which hampered victims emotional well-being, recovery, and repatriation, while allowing traffickers to continue their criminal activities and intimidate victims from pressing charges. Overall, the intensified impact on the mental health and physical well-being of trafficking victims and survivors from long-term isolation, reduced access to services, and general COVID-related risks reaffirms the need for comprehensive, trauma- and survivor-informed, and victim-centered anti-trafficking responses during the pandemic. A comforting environment and informal play can assist survivors in expressing their feelings of fear and distress while also supporting their resiliency. Further, judicial officials postponed prosecutions and court proceedings due to delays in investigations, efforts to maintain safe social distancing regulations, and focus on competing priorities. Togo Most importantly, age- and culturally appropriate comprehensive programs need to be developed with consideration of each unique survivor in mind. While the TVPA already directs the Secretary to consider the extent to which officials participated in, facilitated, condoned, or were otherwise complicit in trafficking when determining tier rankings, this new section more directly links government involvement in trafficking crimes to a Tier 3 ranking. Anti-trafficking actors from all sectors should develop concrete risk mitigation and management plans to effectively respond to a variety of crises, including natural disasters, conflict scenarios, health crises, or a combination of emergencies that could exacerbate vulnerabilities to trafficking and the experiences of victims. Iran An operations room in Abu Dhabi and UAE personnel took part in the campaign against migrant smuggling and trafficking gangs that led to 286 arrests globally. This must include coming to terms with our role in having perpetuated violence and dehumanized people, and we must work to right these past wrongs. As the pandemic taught anti-trafficking actors to adapt and view challenges from new perspectives, it is apparent that an equity-based approach is essential to the remainder of the pandemic response, as well as the future of the anti-trafficking field. It will also provide technical support and resources to improve evidence-gathering to build strong cases. South Sudan Frequently, service providers use the same approaches and resources for familial trafficking that are used for all types of human trafficking, which can be inappropriate and even harmful. The Liechtenstein Initiative for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking is a public-private partnership launched in September 2018 to respond to calls from the G7, the G20, the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council for governments to partner with the private sector to address human trafficking. By publishing it, with the authors consent, the Department seeks to shine a light on a population particularly vulnerable to human trafficking that is often misunderstood and overlooked. South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. Recently the country's Head of the State Penitentiary Organization spoke about the different kinds of products and commodities that have been smuggled inside and . Yet, despite the added challenges and risks that the pandemic has presented, we have also witnessed the adaptability among those continuing to combat human trafficking and their dedication to ensuring the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts to minimize the effects of the pandemic on victims and the broader anti-trafficking community. In these cases, the trafficker may begin grooming the victim at an early age, using their close proximity to take advantage of the childs developmental stage and inability to verbally express concerns or safety issues. In cases where an individual engages in any of the specified acts with a child (under the age of 18), the means element is irrelevant regardless of whether evidence of force, fraud, or coercion exists. This includes conducting awareness raising campaigns when stay-at-home orders remain in place, providing services to identified victims when there are no safe spaces available, and intervening in stalled public justice systems to ensure minimal disruption and deter traffickers from expanding their activities. In Zimbabwe, local anti-trafficking organizations developed isolation cabins at three shelters to continue supporting individuals waiting for their COVID-19 test results without putting existing shelter residents at risk. Atsuki Takahashi While hopeful that were turning the corner on the pandemic, we know that different countries are at different stages in their pandemic response and recovery. Nicaragua The needs of child trafficking victims and the related legal reporting requirements differ significantly from those of adult victims. Maura K. McManus Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards, and for which: Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so. Barry L. Paschal, Public Affairs Officer: 912-652-4422 Updated November 23, 2021 Topics Asset Forfeiture Human Trafficking Immigration Human Smuggling Labor & Employment Violent Crime Component Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) USAO - Florida, Middle USAO - Georgia, Middle USAO - Georgia, Northern USAO - Georgia, Southern USAO - Texas, Southern Josiane Lina Bemaka-Soui has developed the Central African Republics national anti-trafficking response from the ground up. Enabling human trafficking survivors participation in the regulated financial sector is critical. I look forward to the work ahead, knowing there is much still to accomplish, and we will be more successful when we work together to achieve the goals of combating human trafficking and creating a more fair, equitable world. South Sudan The 2021 CSPA List Includes Governments of the Following Countries: Afghanistan As of April 5, no funds subject to CSPA have been obligated. The fact-finding mission has a mandate to document abuses by GNA and non-state militias, including child soldier recruitment or use. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global standard-setting body for anti-money laundering (AML), countering the financing of terrorism, and countering proliferation financing. It wasnt until my adult years that I was able to process how closely this aligned with racial oppression. This is seen, for example, in the overrepresentation of human trafficking victims among Black populations in some parts of South America, the lack of protections afforded to migrant workers in the Gulf that creates a dependence on others that traffickers can exploit, and the intentional targeting of Roma communities through law enforcement anti-trafficking operations in Eastern Europe. Those with lived experience help run the mobile units, and they are able to effectively identify and approach potential trafficking victims. As the anti-trafficking community has grappled with how to integrate these ideals, it often conflates them. Page 11: Picture Alliance Ben Wiselogle any person under 15 years of age who has been voluntarily recruited into governmental armed forces, police, or other security forces; or. Papua New Guinea Their employer forced the men to work long hours, continually reduced their wages, and physically abused them. Kosovo For the knowing commission of any act of sex trafficking involving force, fraud, coercion, or in which the victim of sex trafficking is a child incapable of giving meaningful consent, or of trafficking which includes rape or kidnapping or which causes a death, the government of the country should prescribe punishment commensurate with that for grave crimes, such as forcible sexual assault. Ibusuki has sought justice on behalf of countless foreign workers by providing legal representation for those who are taking action against former employees for labor law violations. Traffickers often target children because they are more vulnerable. An Increase in Forms of Online Sexual Exploitation. Over three years, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is building capacity to improve victim identification and national referral mechanisms, sharing information with judicial authorities about criminal networks and individuals associated with human trafficking, and strengthening international co-ordination and co-operation by promoting new investigations and prosecutions through establishing liaisons between national co-ordination mechanisms and judicial authorities focused on human trafficking, the spokesman said. Budget Day 2020/2021; . The project is expected to go on for 24 months. Given constraints around physical space and financial resources, service providers and NGOs may need to develop creative ways to establish a child-friendly space. Financial institutions and civil society can play an important role in assisting survivors in the recovery process by providing them access to digital financial services, such as online microcredit, without requiring traditional identity documentation. For tips on how to build a survivor-informed organization, please see the NHTTAC toolkit on this topic. As part of this work, it commits to engaging with its interagency, civil society, private sector, multilateral, and survivor leader partners to better understand systemic racisms effects on the human trafficking field and to integrate racial equity more intentionally into the U.S. anti-trafficking response. Whether the government of the country has adopted measures to prevent severe forms of trafficking in persons, such as measures to inform and educate the public, including potential victims, about the causes and consequences of severe forms of trafficking in persons, measures to establish the identity of local populations, including birth registration, citizenship, and nationality, measures to ensure that its nationals who are deployed abroad as part of a diplomatic, peacekeeping, or other similar mission do not engage in or facilitate severe forms of trafficking in persons or exploit victims of such trafficking, a transparent system for remediating or punishing such public officials as a deterrent, measures to prevent the use of forced labor or child labor in violation of international standards, effective bilateral, multilateral, or regional information sharing and cooperation arrangements with other countries, and effective policies or laws regulating foreign labor recruiters and holding them civilly and criminally liable for fraudulent recruiting. 1107, 6 December (2013). Thailand The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GIATOC) published a policy brief in May 2020 highlighting initial trends in human trafficking during the pandemic and challenges to traditional responses. Andrea E. Reed The government also reportedly placed ethnic Tibetans in vocational training and manufacturing jobs as part of an ostensible poverty alleviation and labor transfer program that featured overt coercive elements. The Department places each country in this Report onto one of four tiers, as mandated by the TVPA. Innovative AML compliance solutions that use big data, advanced analytics, network analysis, and, increasingly, artificial intelligence to monitor transactions and identify and report suspicious transactions can assist governments and the private sector in identifying and combating human trafficking networks. The government reported sentencing 28 traffickers to at least one year imprisonment (30 in 2019). Additionally, COVID-19 mitigation efforts, such as stay-at-home orders and travel limitations, increased rates of gender-based violence and substance abuse, both of which put individuals at a higher risk of human traffickers exploiting them. Equatorial Guinea With U.S. support, the CPU carried out six screening missions that examined over 1,500 SNA troops in 2019, and identified four minors within the SNA, according to the 2019 CPU annual report. Laila Mickelwait. 3. While they may look slightly different depending on their particular function, the country in which they operate, or the level of resources available, effective child-friendly spaces often share common features that can be replicated as promising practices. To extract this work, governments coerce by threatening the withdrawal of public benefits, withholding salaries, failing to adhere to limits on national service, manipulating the lack of legal status of stateless individuals and other minority groups, threatening to punish family members, or conditioning services or freedom of movement on labor or sex. Uganda It reflects on the lessons learned from practitioners and offers considerations to rebuild momentum through coordinated anti-trafficking strategies. Sex trafficking occurs in several industries as well. Few resources have been developed to address the particularities of familial trafficking. In other cases, the default method of conducting interviews virtually may not have been optimal for victims, who have reported feeling more comfortable developing a relationship with investigators before sharing their experience. Page 5: Picture Alliance Outlined below is a description of what it means to be both trauma- and survivor-informed, as well as recommendations on integrating both approaches as one, comprehensive effort. PKO and IMET funding for DRC would enable the United States to continue to work to increase professionalization of the military, allowing it to provide security within its territory without resorting to violations or abuses of human rights or violations of international humanitarian law (IHL). These campaigns typically target audiences who are much older than those exploited in familial trafficking. Saudi Arabia This body of information provides a strong foundation from which to learn. As of April 5, IMET funding was obligated for the following activity: military professionalization training. *Members of the public should keep in mind that indictments contain only allegations against the individual against whom the indictment is sought. Both the federal government and states have passed laws that shift the blame away from vulnerable youth and adults onto traffickers and customers and attach stiff penalties for sex trafficking. The inequities created by systemic racism have survived in part because of the intentional destruction of certain racial groups social support networks. Malawi The President further certified that the governments of the above countries are taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Although the pandemic resulted in the reduction or suspension of many support networks for victims, service providers shifted to online and virtual platforms to continue supporting victims as much as possible. I knew my family loathed gays. For example, training on trafficking indicators should be expanded to healthcare workers, such as those supporting COVID-19 testing and vaccination efforts as they might be the few people a victim could interact with in public. Despite the significant disruptions to efforts to combat this crime, the anti-trafficking community found ways to adapt and forged new relationships to overcome the challenges. As such, vicarious trauma and the mental health needs of all consultants and staff members should also be prioritized, as opposed to singling out survivor leaders as the only individuals affected by trafficking or other sources of trauma. Further, a waiver for support provided by the Department of Defense pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Since the signing of the action plan in 2017, the UN has not reported any further use of children by the CJTF. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of Nigeria (GON) and has certified that the GON is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. This has been seen through other crisis situations, such as the Darfur Genocide in 2003, the emergence of Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2009, the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, the emergence of the migrant crisis in Europe in 2015, and the Rohingya exodus in Burma in 2017, to name a few. Governments should hold all entities, including businesses, accountable for human trafficking. 2551 (XL-O/10), Department of Public Security and Department against Transnational Organized Crime, The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector(2017), OECD Task Force on Countering Illicit Trade, OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (2003), Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Trafficking in Human Beings, Regional Conference on Migration Plan of Action (updated in 2009), The Liaison Officers Network to Combat Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons, SADC Strategic Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Persons, especially women and Children (2009-2019), Economic Community of West African States, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Council of Europes Group of Experts on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings, International Criminal Police Organization, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. An official website of the United States Government,, Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. Oman Ibusuki has gone further by advocating for the government to prohibit employers from retaining foreign workers passports and for Japan to impose tighter control on exploitation and human rights violations by labor brokers and intermediaries in sending countries. Christine Buchholz Within this decrease in obligated funds, donors shifted support to humanitarian and health sectors, consequently resulting in lower commitments to prevent conflict and support peace, security, and human rights. 2. Guedet Mandzela |Gabon, Stopping Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peacekeepers and Civilian Personnel, International, Regional, and Sub-Regional Organizations Combating Trafficking In Persons, Annual Report on the Use of Child Soldiers, Sections 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) of 2008 (22 U.S.C. Harold Jahnsen In Xinjiang, the government is the trafficker. The President has further certified that the governments of the above countries are taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Macau For foreign national trafficking victims, closed borders meant repatriation remained a key challenge, resulting in service providers supporting victims for longer periods with dwindling resources. We also expect that FMF may support elements of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program for the Super Tucanos. I went to the city north of my hometown and started couch surfing with people from the clubs I went to. If a government has penalized or punished a victim in such a way, the government should vacate the conviction and/or expunge the victims record. Finally, the TVPA limits a country to one year on Tier 2 Watch List after that country received a waiver to stay on the Watch List and was subsequently downgraded to Tier 3. 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government officials involved in human trafficking 2021