malayalees are the worst

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Ok that could have been an exaggeration when one poster said that mallus are the most brilliant chaps. In genocide, people targeted don't stand a chance. It is all right as long as you find fault with your wife and her family. One such experience and we are hesitant to mingle with others thinking they take us for granted. Generally Indians from other parts of the country think that malayalis are sissys or timid characters who could be steamrolled or bulldozed into submission at the first hint of a fight. Each Tharavadu has a unique name. I say this because he has written very bad things about Dalits and reservation for Dalits. But the problem is that lunatics tend to lose whatever little sanity they possess on a full moon day due to which they engage in the audacious act of spitting at the moon only to have the spit fall back on their face. So Kerala is popularly called as "God's Own Country.". WHAT HE DID WAS GENOCIDE, IT WAS MURDER IN MASSES AND YOU SICK SICK PEOPLE ARE CALL ING SAME TO BE DONE TO MALAYLEES. Sonny boy I don't know your wife's version of the story. but again, i don't really socialize that much. (TN has over 65% reservation you know). Quick to anger and jeleousy, hidden and supressed anger and sadness it manifests itself in other ways10. Many times they have been accused of not taking enough pride in their language and culture. iwasted 10 yrs of my career coz of him coz i couldnt start a practise coz i was a doc and i had to reside nearby. The first element of the name, however, is attested already in the Topography written by Cosmas Indicopleustes. Before that, the Malabar District was under various kingdoms including the Zamorins of Calicut, Kingdom of Tanur, Arakkal kingdom, Kolathunadu, Valluvanad, and Palakkad Rajas. "Malayaless and brahmins are basically the same, they are both cunning and manipulative.The worst parasitic class who live off Tamils.We Tamils suffer under Brahmin-Malayali parasitism" "Malayalees have influence in Delhi. the above blog seems to be by a malyali bitch .I got one like you in my house who has for all these years only kept asking what have you done for your wife ? As long as we are not servants of you people then it doesn't matter even if we have to clean the latrines of arabs or europeans. Now your posts are full of low level gutter abuses. [38] Lord Dalhousie, instructed Lord Harris, Governor of the Madras Presidency, warn the then King of Thiruvithamkoor Martanda Varma (Uttram Tirunal 184760) that if he did not put a stop to this practice, the Madras Presidency would take over his Kingdom's administration. Some are good malayalees, but they themselves are having problems7. This is like asking, Why do you need oxygen?. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I had always had bad luck. Thinking that kerala is the centre of India, when kerala is not even heard of in other parts of India9. But very shitty people in reality. Have you ever cared to bother what others say on seeing your back. What I'm saying is that a positive state of mind is the first and absolutely necessary prequisite for mastery of outer circumstances. Can anyone explain this end? [97] The king of Travancore, Swathi Thirunal patronaged and contributed much to the Hindustani Music. Once people get money, they don't even look to act in a sane manner. See all. Tharavadu is a system of joint family practiced by Malayalis, especially castes that belong to Namboothiris, Nairs, Thiyyar, Ambalavasis and Christians other prominent ethnoreligious groups. Everything you say is right ! Indian Foreign Secretary is from Kerala3.. Indian Defense Minister is from Kerala4. Taking to Instagram she spoke of the discrimination that goes on in our backyards, and called for an introspection as we react to global racism. In the highlands there is also a variety of puttu served with paani (the boiled-down syrup from sweet palm toddy) and sweet boiled bananas. The question stemmed out of my own experiences dealing with my fellow lads in a different land, and your comment about the Gulf colonization is a direct claim against this. hahaha thats good solace for youto hide the funda of high virility .hot blooded is it or dirty blooded is it .or is it the desi daru in blood thats heating up .Highest porn selling and highest booze selling in india goes to kerala .If thats the case why are mallu women lookin out for guys in other community or sleeping around with arabs instead of there highly virile baboons like u .Coz guys like you are either surfing porn sites and jerking off or drunk and wasted and your women sleeping around the town .So much for your dear high testestrone virility .As i said a illusion to keep ones mind happy . By expressing to the world how you became a victim makes you less manly hahaha then what makes you manly sitting and oggling at females like starved bastards in kerala or drinking and running away to dubai or having your female sleep around with every guy to get contracts and more money .If guys are less manly then who is manly the average Malyali male whose wife is sleeping with half the town .Some people are scared cowards with there own old parents or kids whom females like u and ur like keep as hostage to get your demands met or threaten there old parents with consequences .So guys like me are not manly to go and kill a female like u immediately .hence one spells it out on such blogs .and my community is indian Ms or Mr arshole coz i dont speak my own communitys mothertongue only coverse in english and hindi and marathi all my state and national languages unlike u malyalis i dont go abt using my own regional language in front of others .But fucker malyalis like u ,like in my house will want inter community marriges but want to thrust your stupid malyali language and culture on other people and there kids .thats your hypocricy got it thats ur dirty attitute .Its not my community guys who should not be married or married to .its people like you and ur malyali kind who cant integrate in other communities who should not marry cross community.My abuses are my frustration to a group of malyalis and there characteristics that i hav ebeen facing since 11 years right from the day of marrige .i am not ashamed to abuse coz thats the only thing i can do abuse on the net .Unlike dirty bastards like you filth on this earth who abuse elders of other community in person .who said people dont get conned never have you or your family person been pickpocted or swindled does that make your family member a moron or just less smart then the conman .thats how it is here gettin conned by a whore doesnnt bring down my level it just makes me less smarter then the whore at there work .Thats why here i am laying my expereinces and informing others that characteristics mentioned abt do exist and i will inform every instance in upcoming days .So arsholes like you should know what u and ur community members are like and why they are hated by all the north indians and south indians like . [98], Puttu is a culinary specialty in Kerala. Forget about my parentage. This word is derived from the word 'Malayalam.' The people who speak the language Malayalam and are natives of Kerala are called Malayalis or Keralites. I'm just going by your version. Seems your mother tongue consists of four letter words and expletives. They have Nehru in their pocket.Nehru dances to their tunes,now the cunning Malayalees are stirring things up with their demand for Dakshin Prdeash [united south state]. A subreddit for anything related to Kerala (), a state in the south-west of India. n al d shit u chatin bou dem hw d fuk u kno newy y'al doin d sme shit fkin hoes n dikz, Malayalees are biggest bastards, For they money sake they will sell anything including their own mothers and sisters.The entire world hates them leave India,Ask anyone in gulf,they are ridiculed,spitted for their behavior.My sincere advice Never Ever trust a Malayalee.They are cut-throat,selfish and believe only in black magic rather then their talents.All these mother fuckers know is to make porn films,We should actually start a Movement throughout India to Kickout Malayalees from all states, yes m dear frnds u all are rite. "Genre and Society: The Literary Culture of Premodern Kerala". So next time when you start fuming and frothing at the mouth typing out sentences in short jerky motion due to uncontrolled anger just remember that action speaks louder than words. You have the intelligence of a pre schooler and the emotional maturity that would put even a pre teen to shame.No wonder your wife must have been fed up of handling an overgrown kid. [86], Timber is the prime structural material abundantly available in many varieties in Kerala. till the 1930s, Kerala women were forced to go topless, wear no dress on top, half naked, in front of uppercaste women, including married women. they will forget which is their own state ..malayalees future plan? You do speak English but your writing and spelling are a horror story!! [100], Muslim cuisine or Mappila cuisine is a blend of traditional Kerala, Persian, Yemenese and Arab food culture. this racist guy says that his wife is in denial abt what she did. Kalari Payatte The martial art of Kerala. So that answers your mocking taunt I suppose. There are times when we have to deliberately choose to be positive irrespective of what is happening in the external world. I couldn't help but notice the tone of sarcasm in you when you said that it is the nature of malayalees to fight with a smile on their lips. I have gone to various blogs and chat forums where I have defended the asians against the whites, Indians against pakistanis, south indians against north Indians. Mobiles are the way of communication and there is not that deep connection. Problem is that instead of countering me with logic you use foul language and arbitrary assumptions. Download Free PDF. And according to them this is directly related to the profession or work the said community or race specializes in. Malayalees may smile in the front, once your back is turned, they plot against you and plot to stab you from behind, belittle you and bring you down. MALEYALEES ARE BASTARDS. We know you dont mean to offend us, but you see, some of us do take offence. When I asked you to abhor hate it is not that I want you to become a gandhi or a mother teresa. boss if i could get a divorce myself i would do it .In india its the womens pre rogative to get divorce naa .thats how malyalis cash in on easy money without work .its been pleasure to see you simmer to protect your identity as a malyalee to stand by all the dirt that you do and represent .Malyaless leave there females behind in kerala and those who take them to gulf use them the way u said it .Its mentioned above by one of the chaps .I think you should go thru all the 100 comments mntioned above and you will know how many people all over india like guys like you and dirty females like my wife .I have usually seen people characterize a community its common in a cross culture country like india .But been close to a malyali i have 1st time see characteristics mentioned by others above fit in perfectly on a malyali .Its like a herd where all are the same .They just dont differ .They cant coz even if put a malyali in a decent civilized surrounding people like u wont change you will make the surrounding dirty .Your dialogues also are so similar the malyalee female will say if are son of your father do this and show and here you also like chuth say the same dialogues and then you rascals complain people abuse u fuckers .At first i used to wonder then after reading the blogs here i realized its just common from malyalis to talk like that .The rascals dont need to be proven anything they should be just humiliated then and there .Never every marry a malyali guys its like gettin a vermin home who will make your surroundings dirty . Many Malayalis have also emigrated to the Middle East, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. A catamite who loves to cry whine and abuse. I just read the above comment of one guy who got married to kannadiga girl. But there is one thing your wife cannot be faulted for and that is making your kid learn her language. Taking to Instagram she spoke of the discrimination that goes on in our backyards, and called for an introspection as we react to global racism. When i was forced to leave the house, he told me i am taking away his kid to blackmail hiim and his parents. We have to consider ourselves as individuals and human beings. Well, they are very proud calling Kerala as God's Own Country. You pathetic moron you seem to lack originality in your posts. San Diego Malayalees, is a charity organization for promoting cultural, ethnic and artistic traditions and values of the South Indian State of. An average malayali cannot but be a malayali and that is the case with every community. So all we can say is till then stew in your own juices. Yh and don't forget the notion that EVERY parent was the class toppper , random person wearing a sunglass or shorts or something, I am personally better than the others, enna oru ith. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And remember I didn't know that calling females whores is considered an act of chivalry by the standards of your community. But again you must take on the basis of average count. Dark skinned Indians are jokingly referred to as madrasis because for some strange reason these ignorant people think all South Indians are only dark skinned. this is the biggest characteristic listed above by other members also .j) in courting day the malyalee female is always ready to jump in bed and will say oh my parents want to marry fast since u slept with me marry me coz i will love no one .k) always trying to make you feel guilty .l) you will fight with your parents and support this swaroopnaka (demon female) but then she will gang up with her family and you will be left stranded without your family and a pack of demons on the other side .l) if you are married to malyalee female observe all this characteristics if u dont have kids dont think 2 times just divorce the female and dont worry she will find another guy .m) malyalee females are good at entraping guys coz they will sleep around a few more times to find some other soft target .n) dont bother abt qualified and educated females all malyalees are just educated animals they will never improve a qualfied female will be bigger at playing games and instigation .o) Before marrige sign pre nup of not giving her any money on divorce and see her not marry u itself you will know the fact .if you let into the sex part and marry you are getting yourself and your entire family a nuisance for life .p) if you married and stuck then get out of it at least u will have some sanity for a few years of your life .instead of jumping down some building out of frustration watching your kid speak in the fucking malyalee language of the devils . The gulf can ridicule mallus, the remaining of the world already ridicules indians from the north. malyalees are filthy bastardsthey go to other peopls housesand find a chuth malyalee like them start barking in there common language irrespective of whether others like it or not .3rd rate people have no manners or decency. And as for the vain pompous racist rodents of north india the less said about them the better. chicken. negativity and hatred never got anyone anywhere.the whole life goes waste in that sea of neagtive emotions and suddenly u r old and u realise that u wasted time over something which was not even the truth or u look back on ur own falaccies and want to relive the life again more mature.but then can it ever happen?stop hating peopleall u guys have prorblems with urself. According to anthropologists every race or community has developed its own unique brand of abusive words or expletives. No wonder your wife ditched you. You were kind of a sounding board by which I explored my own inner self. Hope that we can carry more meaningful discussion from here. And if you really hate malayalis why don't you start some movement or political organization to seperate kerala from india. Because the cultural and linguistic gap is so much that it can cause misunderstandings and loss of trust on the slightest provocation unless one is very careful. I had got married to a kannadiga girl and she and her parents cheated me of all my money and property. Good at business but rough. because all the bloody malayalee guys are not in their state..what to do malayalee? And as for me simmering with anger that is the biggest joke. fr, I fucking hate it whenever I hear the phrase "malayali poli alle". I hope you are not a bigoted north indian chauvinist who hates kerala culture and language. LOOK, AT YOU TAKE GOOD LOOK AT YOUR SELVES. You doesn't look like a guy who is married for more than 11 years. be it a boy or a girl.cos some day they gonna show their true colours. Highest rate of sexual abuse, child abuse.12. Have no concept of loyalty. And another one thing members of your community should never publicly declare having white skin. It just shows that you are a pathetic execuse that goes in the name of manhood. There are more Tamils than malayalees. I never did anything to her. challo at least i know my parents .Unlike you whose mother may have to search a crowd to even show u your father .Originality what am i writing here a novel arshole .I am pointing out what a scumbag likes of u you and your females are.enjoy it the posts will keep coming . Jealousy. Malabar is reminiscent of the word Malanad which means the land of hills. such people dont have any logical skills, low emotional iq, stone hearted , of crominal mindsets who will go to any extent to prove that they r right. my silence he has taken it as my approval of mistake when the only reason i was silent was coz i thought he is just immature and basically he is good by heart and a family person. and attributing his monen y earning skills to prove his greatness in alll the other fields of life when his maturity is almost in negative.he is the worst husband someone can have . Malayalam IS a language. G- Gold. Malayalam literature has been presented with 6 Jnanapith awards, the second-most for any Dravidian language and the third-highest for any Indian language. It is a group performance, staged as a social event during festivals and nuptial ceremonies. [42] Malayalam literature is ancient in origin, and includes such figures as the 14th century Niranam poets (Madhava Panikkar, Sankara Panikkar and Rama Panikkar), whose works mark the dawn of both modern Malayalam language and indigenous Keralite poetry. That is one reason why kannadiga females are increasingly turning to prostituion. As I told you before human behaviour is a wonderful mechanism that has been programmed to function in a particular way with clockwork precision and accuracy. Sonny boy admitted that kerala is a matriarchal society where females have a major say in the decision making process. Its on a whole another level here. Theres no Madras anymore anyway. Nobody can take a joke on themselves as sportingly as a malayalee can and that is a malayalees biggest USP. No one is berating you on that account. Keralite student killed after car hits her while waiting at bus stop in Leeds: Indian High Commission steps in to help 8.2k views; UK Malayalee girl married to Australian Malayalee dies while in UK to bid adieu to friends and family 3.8k views; Keralite students' house in Liverpool visited by immigration officers and questioned about study and work 2.3k views It was called Nalukettu because it consisted of four wings around a central courtyard called Nadumuttom. Our film industry doesnt even have enough money to waste on gravity-defying action scenes. Q. (whats the point of India then?)16. What I meant about fighting with a smile was that you don't get violent fuming and frothing at the mouth, with your nerves overstrained and finally suffering a breakdown like an overheated engine. Chavara's contribution[56] to Malayalam literature includes, Chronicles, Poems athmanuthapam (compunction of the soul), Maranaveettil Paduvanulla Pana (Poem to sing in the bereaved house) and Anasthasiayude Rakthasakshyam and other Literary works . The 12 Keralites are worth nearly $20 billion (Dh73.46bn), and form 26 per cent of the Top 50 list of Richest Indians with an estimated wealth of nearly $60bn (Dh220.38bn), reflecting the southern. [84][85], Kerala, the ancestral land of the Malayali people, has a tropical climate with excessive rains and intensive solar radiation. This ancient martial art is claimed as the mother of all martial arts. 190 talking about this. narrow mindedness is maximum in the north. [40] The dynasty lent the region its name, uniting the entire coast under their suzerainty. Vilanilam, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kerala; Sunny Luke, medical scientist and former professor of Medical Biotechnology at Adelphi University, New York; and Antony Palackal, professor of Sociology at the Loyola College of Social Sciences in Thiruvananthapuram, have edited the book, besides making other contributions to it. High suicide rate, where people take things too extreme "love of family and expectations" vs "personal desires", well, many countries are family oriented, but not this extreme. I never knew people dislike until some fool created a group, I told my friends and they were all shocked. Spices form an important ingredient in almost all curries. life is hell for me .. why dont you dump the bastard and go away !Since you dont need the money you can divorce and walk out .you will do him and yourself a great favour not to speak how much it will benefit your kid . My sincere advice Never Ever trust a Malayalee. the malyali fuckers stand out with stupid names like siji tiji fiji sajo.arrey dump the malyalee wife of yoursand enjoylife with another female . in all the developed countries they are trying to create a one kerala there.then acting in front the own country peoples.(i have lot more thoughts about mallus i will write in my next post). i do not say malayalees are bad people. They are most individualistic tribe in India . This nation gave me immense pain. Its a cheap teacher. It is conducted in Payippad Lake which is 35km from Alappuzha district of Kerala state. i am the big in the world..never can beat me i want more wives (they dont know his wife is with others)..malayalee activities in companies? Like a scared rabbit you sidestepped the whole issue of your origins.But anyway that is not our problem. malyalees are real rascals thieves .Those who are married intercaste to malyalee females check the following things outa) the female will always side with her family and try to split you from your family creating false blames on your elderly parents.b) her parents will constantly pressure you to get seperate house coz there daughter cannot adjust .c) the girl will constantly pressure for costly things knowingyou dont have money to afford and then say see my this relative has it other husbands have it but u cant give it .d) malyalee females are dark not only from outside but even from inside . [25][31] At least you can prevent yourself from going insane with hatred and your wife will get some hotblooded manly malayali lover. Thats my honest take on this. I feel the same. Sometimes they can blow up in our face. I feel it's true to some extent. If you had got an iota of it you would have proved it and silenced your critics. Now these people will think a thousand times before crossing swords with malayalis. Since a majority of human beings are still a product of both nature and nurture it is difficult for them to rise above their own conditioned nature. Now I will relate my own experience of marrying one north indian whore. Other articles where Malayli is discussed: Kerala: Population composition: The Malayalis are a group of people of mixed ethnic heritage who speak Malayalam, a Dravidian language; they constitute the majority of the population of Kerala. During the ancient period, the people of present-day Kerala were ruled by the Chera dynasty of Tamilakam, with their capital at Vanchi. An example of a Nalukettu structure is Mattancherry Palace.[87]. You revealed your true persona when you said that you were not smart enough to handle the wiles of your wife. Malayalees are very educated and strictly follow their traditions Mallus are not obsessed in staying in your wretched states. Yet another nickname added to them is " Mallus ". It's #NotAHack [105] The historian Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai attributes the birth of Kalaripayattu to an extended period of warfare between the Cheras and the Cholas in the 11th century CE. The emotion of hate keeps many people going, gives them a purpose to live, it is a kind of an emotional kick something similar to a drug induced kick , it intensifies their experience of living albeit in a negative sort of way. MALAYLEES IN LONDON WILL BE SHOKED. this is to all am fella indians big ball fucks, we may be wat u said, but you wud get a taste of it only when we wud sell your mothers and sisters as we sold the midle east . Malayalees born and brought in Kerala are cut throats and bastards.., they will do anything for money, he or shee. 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malayalees are the worst