criticism of the baha'i faith

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(5) Moral concerns. Cults separate themselves from society, and Bahais take part in society. Bah World News Service Bah' International Community, has confiscated properties from Baha'i families. In 1852, two years after the execution of the Bb, a fringe element in the . Bahs believe that all the founders of the worlds great religions have been manifestations of God and agents of a progressive divine plan for the education of the human race. [3][9], Christian author and missiologist Ed Stetzer rejects the Bah Faith as a syncretic combination of faiths,[10] while Christian author John Ankerberg points to discrepancies between faiths to contradict the idea of unity of religion.[8]. Ive never been into having to jump through hurdles to withdraw. Normally, it is possible to describe the situation surrounding a problem and seek help and advice in resolving it, without necessarily mentioning names. In fact, the first school for girls in Iran was established by the Baha'is. [35] By contrast, MacEoin generally praised the work in Bah studies of Bah historian Peter Smith and non-Bah sociologist Margit Warburg. John Ankerberg) have attacked its history and founders, institutions, teachings, and use of prophecy. Syncretic means that a religion contains nothing original, but instead is a collection of teachings culled from other religions in an attempt to fuse them. I resigned myself on 07/07/07. But ere long this merciful door will be closed and such enemies will be attacked with a madness. There also exist in the Bah Faith appointive institutions, such as the Hands of the Cause of God and the continental counselors. Pingback: Why I Rejected the Bahai Faith, 4th Edition | Dale Husband's Intellectual Rants, Your email address will not be published. On no subject are the Bah teachings more emphatic than on the necessity to abstain from fault-finding and backbiting, while being ever eager to discover and root out our own faults and overcome our own failings.' Actually, Bahais have been imprisoned and martyred since their Faith began in Persia, because of the persecution of the powerful Islamic clerics who consider the Bahai Faith and its progressive principles a threat. But even if these are not taken from the records it still does not make them either true or false. "You ask in your letter for guidance on the implications of the prohibition on backbiting and more specifically whether, in moments of anger or depression, the believer is permitted to turn to his friends to unburden his soul and discuss his problem in human relations. Its like Scientology in trying to manage apostasy in this way. Bahs believe that all the founders of the world's great religions have been manifestations of God and agents of a progressive divine plan for the education of the human race. From my understanding, Baha'i Faith is an offshoot from Islam but still believes in Muhammad. Lights of Guidance/Backbiting, Criticism, Faultfinding, Gossip, Lies, Slander Etc. In this two-part article we will briefly examine: (1) the Baha'i approach to other religions; (2) the absence of the personal requirements Baha'i demands for the Manifestations; (3) anachronistic Baha'i scriptures; (4) the Miller analysis of the Baha'i faith; (5) moral concerns; (6) some Baha'i errors; and (7) failed prophecy and Baha'i misuse of Actually, when I was Bahai I was dating a nominal Christian, and I had suggested the UU church as a possible place that we could go for worship together if we got married. Cults have charismatic leaders, and Bahais have no clergy or leaders at all. Quite controversially, the Bab claimed that his teachings were a revelation from God and predicted that a new prophetic figure, or manifestation of God, would soon appear. ", " Each of us is responsible for one life only, and that is our own. At the same time, the Baha'i faith has spread around the globe. In 1863, shortly before being moved by the Ottoman government to Constantinople (now Istanbul), Bah Allh declared to his fellow Bbs that he was the messenger of God foretold by the Bb. Unfortunately, not only average people, but average Bahs, are very immature; gossip, trouble-making, criticism, seem easier than the putting into practice of love, constructive words and cooperation. Baha'is have also been discriminated against in Yemen and in Egypt. I composed that letter on my computer and mailed it in January of 2005. Ive never officially withdrawn or resigned, but stopped being a Bahai either one or two years after declaration. Occasionally Ive heard the uninformed opinion that the Bahai Faith is a sect of Islam not true! However, from a Bahai perspective if your relationship to God has not been directed by the revelation of Bahaullah than we are really talking more about ones own vain imaginings as opposed to reality. "[6] Former Bah William Garlington said the Bah position in the United States "can at most be characterized as one of sympathetic disapproval" toward homosexuality. On the contrary, it would make the dust to settle so thickly on the heart that the ears would hear no more, and the eyes would no longer behold the light of truth. RELATED: What Happens When You Become a Bahai? Goodbye. [27] Central to Cole's complaints is the Bah review process, which requires Bah authors to gain approval before publishing on the religion. The Baha'i Faith is a scriptural religion; the current written texts are considered fully authoritative. As Abdul-Baha, the son and successor of Bahaullah, explained: The original purpose of temples and houses of worship is simply that of unity places of meeting where various peoples, different races and souls of every capacity may come together in order that love and agreement should be manifest between them that all religions, races and sects may come together within its universal shelter. While its true that a Bahai House of Worship exists on each continent, and several local Houses of Worship are also being built, theyre all meant as places where anyone can come to pray and meditate. The Bah Faith and its predecessor, the Bb religion, originated in the nineteenth-century Persian Empire, arousing considerable opposition, initially on purely theological and doctrinal grounds; it was perceived by many Iranians as threat to established power and authority in Persia.. For you I desire spiritual distinction; that is, you must become eminent and distinguished in morals. The Bah religion originally grew out of the Bb faith, or sect, which was founded in 1844 by Mrz Al Moammad of Shrz in Iran. Religion: Kashmir Shaivism (Trika) I've always found some issues with the main idea of the Baha'i faith, for a few different reasons. The great bulk of Bah teachings is concerned with social ethics. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [23], The Bah teachings emphasize the need for unity, and have an official line of succession of leadership to prevent schism. Cheri came to love the freedom of thought in that church, despite still being a strong Christian, while I came to love the powerful community the church provided, despite my agnosticism. Its 2014 now. Baha'u'llah encouraged Baha'is to cooperate with their governments and engage with the followers of all religions in a spirit of fellowship. About 5 million people worldwide adhere to the Baha'i faith, according to, but other sources say there are as many as 7 million around the world.. by Jeremy Butler | Mar 25, 2010 | Baha'i, World Religions. Hi, exmuslim atheist here. Bah Allh was subsequently confined by the Ottomans in Adrianople (now Edirne, Turkey) and then in Acre in Palestine (now Akko, Israel). Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The Babi movement called for revolutionary social changes and championed womens rights. p. 192) Bahullh says in the Hidden Words: 'Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art a sinner. At the time, I didnt care. Once they are ADULTS, they should be treated like adults, period. The first time I heard the word syncretic connected with the Bahai Faith was from a college professor who knew I was Bahai but wanted to instruct me about this particular weakness he perceived. The Bab and Bah'u'llh are believed to have been messengers from God and they told people that God has had many prophets and that God has had many names, but there is only one God. In this article I will respond to these arguments as they relate to the different views held by Bah's and Christians on (1) the nature of God, (2) biblical prophecy, and (3) religious unity. I, too, am considering resigning my membership. The Baha'i Faith is not just a collection of philosophical principles or an attempt to combine or conflate religions. [22] Bah scholar Udo Schaefer stated that the legitimization of the death penalty in cases of murder and arson is usually met with disapproval and suspicion in Europe. The Baha'i faith. I was recently invited to participate on an interfaith panel where we all responded to this question: What are the truths and misconceptions about your Faith? The government released Baha'u'llah in 1853, and exiled him to Baghdad, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Try making a comment like an adult and I will then treat you like one. "When a difficulty is brought out into the daylight and freely discussed by a duly authorized and responsible group of people who are sincerely desirous of finding the best solution and are free from prejudice or personal motive, then there is a good chance of overcoming it, but discussion of the faults of others behind their backs by unauthorized people who have no authority to take action in the matter, is surely one of the most fertile causesprobably THE most fertile causeof disunity, and the importance of putting an end to this practice should be impressed on all Bahs.". [15], Islamic theology regards Muhammad as the Khatam an-Nabiyyin, the last prophet whom God has sent and Islam as the final religion for all humankind. Yes, the Road to Serfdom is Indeed Paved by Conservatives, you Libertarian Idiot! In Iran and other parts of the Middle East, Bahs continue to be criticized for breaking with Islam and accused of conspiring with western powers, resulting in intense persecution and the loss of civil rights. Bah Allhs peculiar function was to overcome the disunity of religions and establish a universal faith. [27] For example, Juan Cole converted to the Bah Faith in 1972, but later resigned in 1996 after conflicts with members of the administration who perceived him as extreme. Located there long before Israel became a nation, it happened because Bahaullah had been exiled to the prison city of Akka in Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, about 85 years before the state of Israel was founded. RELATED: What is the Best Way to Worship? The Bah Faith was first mentioned in the United States in 1893 at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Thanks! Jehovah's Witnesses and Baha'is were among the most . ", "Indeed the believers have not yet fully learned to draw on each other's love for strength and consolation in time of need. The religion officially formed in 1863, but a Shiite Muslim man in Iran began paving the way in 1844 by announcing a new prophet was to come - after Muhammad. Every Bah, however, is under the spiritual obligation to pray daily; to abstain totally from narcotics, alcohol, or any other substances that affect the mind; to practice monogamy; to obtain the consent of parents to marriage; and to attend the Nineteen Day Feast on the first day of each month of the Bah calendar. Despite the persecution, the Baha'i faith has attracted millions of adherents around the globe for its ability to transcend nationalism, racism and the like. There are more than 100,000 local Baha'i communities in places as diverse as Chile, Cambodia and the United States. Its just spiritual, not practical, was one incorrect comment Ive heard about the Bahai Faith not once, but many times. IV. Baha'u'llahs followers disseminated his teachings in the Middle East and beyond. "On no subject are the Bah teachings more emphatic than on the necessity to abstain from fault-finding and backbiting while being ever eager to discover and root out our own faults and overcome our own failings. If capable, those between the ages of 15 and 70 are required to fast 19 days a year, going without food or drink from sunrise to sunset. It doesnt matter if you didnt formally withdraw because in practice you would have lost your administrative rights anyway, and since that is the only thing that a formal declaration providesadministrative rightsit really makes no difference anyway. Also, tons of conservative, orthodox, even fundamentalist traditional morality in Bahai law. Like all Bahai Houses of Worship, it welcomes everyone, and its nine entrances symbolize the many legitimate paths to the Creator. When people say that the Bahai Faith has something to do with Judaism, its often a result of confusing the word Bahai with Bnai Brith, a service organization dedicated to the social and educational betterment of Jews. [1] Western academics have criticized the requirement for Bahs to seek pre-publication review when publishing on the religion[3] and the exclusion of women from serving on the Universal House of Justice. Deeds not words are what they demand, and no amount of fervor in the use of expressions of loyalty and adulation will compensate for failure to live in the spirit of the teachings.". The first is that they equate Krishna to many other prophets, as if somehow Krishna in either case is the main god or spokesperson or prophet of Hinduism as a monolithic religion. Some discover a hornets nest in the garden and fearing being STUNG TO DEATH, run out of the garden in horror. [26], Bahs have been accused, particularly by successive Iranian governments, of being agents or spies of Russia, Britain, the Shah, the United States, and as agents of Zionismeach claim being linked to each regime's relevant enemy and justifying anti-Bah actions. The Bahs must be distinguished from others of humanity. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. The principal Bah tenets are the essential unity of all religions and the unity of humanity. Conservatives among Unitarian Universalists Still Feel Like Victims. I encourage you to look him up and see if it resonates with you. The Bah Faith is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people.. [32][33] He specifically criticized the work of individual Bah scholars he saw as defending Bah orthodoxy at the expense of historical rigour, including William S. Hatcher,[32] Muhammad Afnan,[32] Juan Cole[33] (although Cole subsequently left the religion), Nader Saiedi,[34] and Moojan Momen. Its first leader, the Bb, was imprisoned and executed for heresy in 1850, and Bahu'llh, another central figure, was exiled from Iran and both the Ottoman and Persian Empires tried to destroy his movement. There are no initiation ceremonies, no sacraments, and no clergy. The local spiritual assembly has jurisdiction over all local affairs of the Bah community. Backbiting, Criticism, Faultfinding, Gossip, Lies, Slander Etc. The Christian Bible clearly displays this concept, as it includes the Old Testament prophets Moses and Abraham, along with the New Testament prophet Jesus Christ, all of whom Bahais revere and consider divine messengers. To put you in touch with a Bahai in your area who can answer your questions, we would like to kindly ask for a few details about yourself. I desire this distinction for you. Goodbye. The Bahs use a calendar, established by the Bb and confirmed by Bah Allh, in which the year is divided into 19 months of 19 days each, with the addition of 4 intercalary days (5 in leap years). Gods wisdom cannot always be seen by human eyes. My life has changed in ways that I had hoped the Bahai Faith would help me do, but in 35 years has not. You don't need to belong to a religion to be of service to others and do good in the world. These are worded in a way to seem like crazy conspiracies. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. My life and Cheris together are proof that it can work! 6. "[25] Excommunication among Bahs is rare and reserved for those actively promoting schism. Corrections? You should urge your fellow-Bahs to take this point of view, and to support you in a strong effort to suppress every critical thought and every harsh word, in order to let the spirit of Bahullh flow into the entire community, and unite it in His love and in His service. I do not desire for you financial distinction. Beliefs, ideas and rituals of the Baha'is: 1 - Belief that Allaah is incarnated in some of His creation, and that Allaah was incarnated in al-Baab and al-Baha'. It has an office on the environment involved in sustainable development. "he suggests you write the National Spiritual Assembly in a loving spirit, and point out to them how it distresses you to think that, after so many years of service, statements about you which you consider unjustified should be preserved. [35], Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring, 1989, p. 2. (Dale Husband: How old are you? (6) Some Baha'i errors. Most criticism has come from Iranian enemies with a reputation for deception, Christian groups intending to smear the religion, and disaffected former Baha'is who largely criticize individuals in the administration. Every attempted Bah schism has failed to attract more than a few hundred individuals and declined over time. Summed up in Baha'u'llahs words: The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.. Baha'is were nonetheless subjected to persecution, as some Muslim clerics perceived their faith to be a heresy. Yes, intermittent fasting has become pretty trendy, for this physical fast is a symbol of the spir, At the beginning of the 20th century, what did a P, One must see in every human being only that which, Every tender heart wonders What can I do to hel, Act in such a way that your heart may be free from, While sorrow and suffering seem to be inescapable, What is the Best Way to Worship? Thank you so much! Dale's Declarations. The Quran puts forth the same idea, because along with Muhammad it includes the Old Testament prophets and also Christ. A "Unitarian Baha'i" comes across as an idiot, again! One of the Bbs earliest disciples and strongest exponents was Mrz osayn Al Nr, who had assumed the name Bah Allh when he renounced his social standing and joined the Bbs. She agreed! The friends must overlook their shortcomings and faults and speak only of their virtues and not their defects. The Bahi Faith underwent a rapid expansion beginning in the 1960s, and by the early 21st century it had more than 180 national spiritual assemblies (national governing bodies) and several thousand local spiritual assemblies. AJs concepts are not a religion or a cult. In the love of God you must become distinguished from all else. Indeed Baha'u'llah claimed to be the manifestation of God that the Bab had foretold and gained a large following. Please select which sections you would like to print: Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The ineligibility of women has caused discontent among small but vocal groups of western Bah intellectuals,[5][1] and criticism from others. Shouldst thou transgress this command ACCURSED ART THOU.' He was kept in an underground prison in Tehran, which Baha'u'llah describes in his writings as filthy, dark and foul beyond comparison.. The clear, forthright responses he gave to the criticism that "the Baha'i Faith offers nothing new," have become, during the intervening century, a classic catalog of the many unique and unprecedented aspects of the Baha'i teachings and principles. But if that fails or if we feel that it is hopeless to try and deal with the matter in that way, while at the same time the case is so serious that the interests of the Cause require that it should be firmly dealt with, then the proper course is to bring the matter before the Spiritual Assembly and have it frankly and fully discussed, calling such evidence as is necessary for the elucidation of the matter. The majority of Baha'is, however, live in the global south. Cults often promote violence, and Bahais are peaceful, non-violent citizens. Therefore, Baha'u'llahs teachings specifically advocate for racial unity, gender equality, universal education, and harmony of science and religion. (4) The Miller analysis of the Baha'i Faith. We need not fear the enemies on the outside for such can be easily dealt with. His most well-known book is The Hidden Words, which is composed of short poetic statements that get to the heart of his spiritual and ethical teachings. The Bible provides ALL the answers, in my truly humble (!) You may know of some other misconceptions, and I learned on our interfaith panel that they can be a wonderful topic for public discussion. Goodbye. The followers of such sects are labeled Covenant-breakers, shunned, and viewed as enemies of the faith. If, however, we look at people from the standpoint of their faults, then being a friend to them is a formidable task. It is the world's second-most widespread religion after Christianity, spanning the globe and working to unite it. I am currently a skeptic who is looking at both UU and Bahai as a new place to find a community that thinks like I do. ", "He feels that you should do your utmost to call the attention of the friends to these large things, and real triumphs, and away from their personal differences and petty pre-occupations. Bahu'llh's claim of divine revelation is in direct conflict with this common interpretation of Islam. Reading and Reacting to The Gadfly Molehill. Mrz Al Moammad first proclaimed his beliefs in 1844 and assumed the title of the Bb. Bahais have no clergy, and in every location where they reside, Bahais live according to this administrative order, following the guidance given to them by the Universal House of Justice, the first truly democratic global system of governance. One of the first Bah institutions in the U.S. was established in Chicago and . His writings, which promote peace and unity, are at the heart of the . The faith has no priesthood and does not observe ritual forms in its worship. "You also ask what one should do to 'handle depression and anger with someone' one feels 'very positively about'. The governance of the Bah community begins on the local level with the election of a local spiritual assembly. BAHA'IS AND THE NATURE OF GOD Abstract This article will explore some of the issues involved in the sociological analysis of the status of the Bah' Faith. For backbiting is divisive, it is the leading cause among the friends of a disposition to withdraw. Extract from Dale Husbands blog. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. Each of us is immeasurably far from being "perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect" and the task of perfecting our own life and character is one that requires all our attention, our will-power and energy. Check your email for the latest from Baha'u'llahs father was a minister in Irans government, which supported Shi'i Islam as the state religion. Many of the Bahai writings are mystical and tell us a great deal about spiritual reality but others lay the foundation for an elegant and very practical democratically-elected global administrative order, designed to gradually unfold and help bring humanity to a permanent world peace. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Bah! 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