similarities between eastern and western education

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A facilitator helps guide individuals build on their prior skills and learn new ones. Family A famous quote by Albert Einstein says, Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. Western system encourages individual talent and performance. On the other hand, those who are skeptical of the efficacy of Western education cite the growing gap between test scores of much-lower-ranked Western countries and the highly-ranked Eastern countries in tests that measure mathematical and scientific knowledge of students. Greek Scholarship from its Beginnings to Alexandria, in: BRILL's Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship, vol. It is less about the specific pieces of knowledge that a person learns, and more about the journey they take to discover their passions as well as their strengths and abilities. The educational challenge ahead of us is to pass on the rich diversity of culture and ways of knowing to future generations (Wildman, P. and Inayatullah, S., 1996). Culture New York: Peter Lang. Commons Attribution License 4.0. By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. Statistically, students whom force themselves to achieve urgent attitudes, in most cases satisfied their study progress. Of the three different types of Group A arboviruses the eastern equine encephalitis and western equine encephalitis are the ones native to our area and can also cause febrile disease in humans and horses. Islam By contrast the Eastern religion of Buddhism has taught people to have a more tolerant attitude toward homosexuality. (2008). Websimilarities between Tarok indigenous knowledge and western education, and the aspect of the Tarok indigenous knowledge. WebEastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. Brandon, VT: Foundation for Educational Renewal. Finally, the paper concluded that the Tarok indigenous knowledge was more practical than the western education and that the indigenous type of education had a bearing to the traditions, norms and The high performance of people from eastern part of Nigeria in areas of business trade farming and handiwork seem to trigger a curiosity to explore into its primary reasons. Huangs book on the secrets of the Extraordinary success of Asian-American kids takes an in-depth approach to the race, from the starting line to the finish line, and how best to prepare students. Both systems produce different kinds of results; both have their strengths and flaws. In fact, it is beneficial to the students; Chinese have also recognized it. justice being of service to others education and the arts were supremely Eastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. Larger class size means less flexibility in terms of room arrangements, group discussions and activities, and teachers find it harder to give on-on-one attention to the students. Proposing alternate histories and new paradigms of philosophy, including ascetics and women, they came to terms with the past and aimed to shape a new Christian future. ;@b7%?ye>.krV- ,t6\pfje!asbtD a*,L34N8CCCYv&~rVNAXY+#iYh;xJnepNv/s+*Ng[N:?ANO@=)1Wp9{FgrYg=o]*=+:u 5`Jxj ,`M:o ~9pyQ>u v[|ac'i(Oc>K}}LzNL)NZbi!,+ ,n}b%G~SHN(HE}h`K1Sa~M)B` B This is the key to success for any educational system. "The Rise of the Sage in Greek and Jewish Antiquity," Journal for the Study of Judaism 49/1 (2018): 1-29. As noted by Lin (2006), in eastern world, knowledge is mainly book based and students learn by memorizing facts. As a teacher is seen as an authoritarian in the east, learning happens in a one way direction leading to a less interactive class. Regarding teachers as facilitators and guide. Although the east and west are mixed up with the each others culture, they still retain their own features. Retrieved from, John (2012). Memorization is an important part of learning (Brown, 2014). To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Perceptions of education, schooling and teaching in the Greek culture while rooted in centuries of tradition have been shaped by the demands of modernity and the idealism of visionaries. HT]k0}K9 Ia&uqOdGGs-={uyS7XLB sG&*F&Qc;5')M8ve})ee2n3IH0XeD_ r8Dg%7oEEKT FP3fKw!Zk~ >^wzpd'xPzj].${UI?lD~_R]pw G4:Sxibwj#a`ec9OS-Ew wS}S`[hUzcF"+Wv^8\96l4@ax6qQenR^_[- 46#dB=>-xO]uo>poWe-|F When it involves philosophy, Eastern philosophers take a person inside world as starting point and put the rules of social life on the first place while Westerners will speculate on it from a universal perspective and take a look at to determine the principles behind the world. WebOnline Learning Satisfaction in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Regional Comparison between Eastern and Western Chinese Universities. Miller then demonstrates that holistic education, grounded in a fundamentally different worldview, reflects very different assumptions about education and schooling. issues relating to the possibility of a Supreme Being the purpose of life and Mosquito Students who find writing to be a difficult task. The soul can be described as the ultimate internal principle by which we think feel and will and by which our bodies are animated. Philosophy, The differences and similarities between the Eastern Buddhism and Hinduism and the Western Christanity and Judiasm religious traditions had a cultural impact on the society during 1000 B.CE. In Western education, with beginning of education that there were not only spiritual but vocation education also. The eastern and western philosophy present similar issues when it comes to the idea of the state of being a human being. Utilizing and updating with the latest technology as a boon to effective learning. According to Rosenshine and colleagues (1986), the retention and application of previously learned knowledge and skills comes about through constant learning. This is particularly true in the area of clinical diagnoses of psychological/psychiatric disorders. Rote and algorithmic techniques in primary level mathematics teaching in the light of Gagne's hierarchy. Teachers need to keep themselves updated with the latest innovations in educational technology to utilize various tools such as educative websites like Khan Academy, Quizlet, etc. Central nervous system, Comparison essay alas babylon and brave new world, Comparison essay between catcher in the rye and death of a salesman, Comparison essay between oedipus the king and death of a salesman, Comparison essay between story of an hour and rose for emily, Comparison essay between the lottery and hunger game, Comparison essay between the road not taken and stopping by woods on a snowy evening, Comparison essay between two short stories. SEATTLE With the growing influx of Asian students into Western universities, the battle for superiority between Eastern and Western education has resurfaced and intensified over the past few years. In the East, every student is equal; they are given equal opportunities for learning. They provide examples in the way they teach and through their personality (Putz-Plecko, 2008). Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. The soul is seen as the core principle of life or as the essence of a being 1. Soul WebOn one hand, the Western industry can afford to spend millions of dollars on a single feature film as they have a much larger target audience due to its popularity. You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. The way the western civilization used to live is how we live today: caring about ourselves for the most part. Miller (1997) explains in his book, What Are Schools For? The Eastern education philosophy stresses a meaningful life in producing an ideal life of individual and focuses on values that affect the lifestyles, while western education philosophy looks on the learning process at educational institution in producing a Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia including the Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. East and West may have myriad differences based on culture and education. These differences can be noted for the most part in peoples behavior and attitudes. WebBoth Eastern and Western Europe were very similar and contrasted in the way they used absolutism. All in all, both education systems can be improved, for better or for worse they offer different alternatives and perspectives. The former uses teacher-centered classes where the teacher is the only authority and questions are brought up only for the teachers to answer. 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post New technology may seem to be a challenge and hinder the natural mode of teaching for a few but could also be used as a tool for better education through imbibing and practicing its utilization. It is in gaining these values that one can bring honor to family and society. They can become more involved in helping their children improve their schoolwork, providing encouragement, arranging for appropriate study time and space, modeling desired behavior (such as reading for pleasure), monitoring homework, and actively tutoring their children at home (Cotton and Wikelund, 1989). WebSimilarities in Eastern and Western Philosophy 635 of Western and Eastern philosophy as though they fall into two opposed groups, such that Eastern philosophy proceeds by intuition, the abstract and the alogical, while Western phi losophy proceeds by concepts, the concrete and the logical. Giri (2011) from India reflects that education is limited when confined to structure. Keeping in mind these viewpoints, the question that rises is that what is the ideal education system for this modern world? and ? For example, topics like sex or birth of a child and other essays (book review), "Turning the Soul": An Investigation of Georgios Gemistos Plethons Teaching Methods and Educational Philosophy, CHAPTER-1 STATE AND SOCIETY IN ANCIENT INDIA. In this educational system, students gradually become passive learning. The monarchs had an insane amount of power compared to a more, Premium Middle Eastern students are increasing strongly. WebOnline Learning Satisfaction in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Regional Comparison between Eastern and Western Chinese Universities. Even though that the education in the West provides opportunities for creative thinking, taking responsibility and analytical skills, in some cases the teachers may use this as an excuse to avoid teaching the material, avoiding further clarification on the subject for the sake of independent learning. Jiang, Haozhe; Islam, A. Y. M. Atiquil; Gu, Xiaoqing; Spector, Jonathan Michael. It is a myth in the west that memorization is not a cognitive process. In response to the charge that he corrupted the citys youth, Socrates suggests that his own philosophizing is compatible with the traditional education of Athens. 0 This was brought up from the assumption of power. Introduction The famous Chinese painter Master Li Hongzhi, Premium This book presents the dynamics of conflict and alliance in the intellectual networks which have existed longest in world history. That is normal and natural reality. WebThe Eastern and Western philosophies were never diverged because they were never united. 0000002334 00000 n Having an education may change according to cultures, even inside a particular country. Miller HP (2002). There was absolute rule in both parts of Europe. Although teachers are revered and respected, there is a lack of openness and freeness between the teacher and the student. The holistic approach develops students to be critical, confident and independent (Patel, 2003). When it is compared and contrasted between my country and the U.S., there are not only several differences, but also some uniformity in the class., For example, In China's education system, there is a point of view about doublethink. This enterprise is situated in todays field of contending positions, in sociology, and in intellectual life generally. their understanding of the cycle of life and death are all quite distinct from In the body paragraphs below it will be explained why they are similar and differ. The comprehensive development of China education focuses on students; students must have good learning rules of the school. Nevertheless, according to the Eurostat statistics, only around 35% of the population in the UK and Romania speak a foreign language, while in Bulgaria (50%) half of the population speaks another language, in Germany 78%. New York, NY: Worth, 4th Ed. There is no right way to teach, several debates and discussions made to support holistic education. Education Forbes SH (2003). Chan Buddhism in China and Zen Buddhism and Samurai tradition in Japan (McGraw & Hill Qualitative research, Comparison of Different Thinking Patterns between Eastern and Western Advertisements Futures, 43(1):39-47. Learners use their memory to remember information without the use of basic understanding to store information (Collins, 2009). Presentations are targeted to refine pure voice skills, lose anxiety in front of audience in a role of ambassador. 49 0 obj <>stream Holistic Education: Pedagogy of Universal Love (Vol. The Western education system is student-oriented, developing such qualities as critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and generating new ideas. Malaria Various scholars and institutions of higher WebWestern education was under the authority of church and Eastern education was under the Gods or God; there was not right to educate for all castes in Eastern but western In the East, many schools have large class size of 40-60 students as compared to a much smaller classroom in the west where its often no more that 25-30 students. 17(6/7):272-284. This book written by curriculum scholars exposes the complexity and diversity of these notions by carefully tracing aspects of the historical and cultural exchange between East and West. Gallegos Nava R (2001). Pedagogy and actions for sustainability are linked in the overall learning experience and global-local continuum is central to our thinking. Human Eastern system emphasizes a great deal on conformity with rules and regulations that the students must follow. Chinese students from middle school to university continue to come to the EEV also utilizes hosts in two different way. each other but at the same time having minor similarities. 0000002903 00000 n J.Educ. HTU0"6b]:PtJ,@HBR#M{w+PuUkWSQ^ )(NYVgQhAH?#\4L+D>}T{R7n@(Am@d"=NB}"0)l 2 E. 23/1 (2006). Retrieved from. Culture, Street Journal (Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior) discussing the differences between Eastern and Western parenting styles. Philosophy has divided into two separate categories the Eastern philosophy and Western Comparison of Non-Western Art vs. Japanese Art Pages: 7 (1801 words) Comparison of Chinese Festivals With Western Ones Pages: 3 (662 words) The Differences Between Chinese and Western Advertisement Pages: 6 (1519 words) A Comparison and Contrast Between the Competition Strategies Between the Critical thinking is a skill that is impossible to teach directly but should be interwoven with the content of the curriculum. 0000004098 00000 n meaningful responses to the fundamental questions about life. English, Premium 0000000696 00000 n Systematic observations of the availability and use of instructional technology in urban middle school classrooms. While he was there he noticed many things that Japanese classrooms obtained. In Western education, the trend has been for the teacher to become learning facilitator. Parental involvement is a largely untapped and valuable resource for schools. Gratis mendaftar dan menawar pekerjaan. There was not word against between these two kinds of educational systems. A common problem today is that we dont think. He adds that it aims to inspire young people to live wisely and responsibly in a sustainable and compassionate society, and to contribute to the building of such a society. WebMajor Difference Between Western & Eastern Thought on Education Conformity vs. WebWestern education encourages people to follow their true interests, producing a broad range of skills and areas of expertise. Buddhism I will compare the Western philosopher Socrates to the Eastern philosopher Lao Tzu. While other occupations that are out of ordinary or norm such as artists may be considered low or degraded. 0000005946 00000 n 0000002826 00000 n People incline to suppose that Westerns are self-confident and creative, whereas Easterners are more conservative and tolerate. )U Students see their role as contributors, not just recipients of whatever is spewed out by the instructor in the classroom. Key words: Education system, Eastern and Western system, creativity, society, culture, holistic education. Thus, memory reflects and depends on the entire cognitive structure. Views on the permanence of the soul vary throughout religious tradition as well. It is a common thinking that Eastern society is reserved and conservative whereas Western society is more creative and assertive. It is worth noticing that in general, western education encourages individuals to pursue their true interests by honing a broad range of skills and areas of expertise, and eastern education promotes an efficient way of training them to perform tasks that require quick and precise thinking. endstream endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 34 0 obj <> endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <> endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>stream Indian independence movement, Assignment Eastern and Western Philosophers Comparison Paper Hinduism, Western and Eastern Religion Comparison Students of the Western education system got used to Student-centered type of relation. 376-391. WebEurope introduced into Eastern world the concepts and ideologies that were based on the denial of the fundamentals of spiritual belief and the rejection of an All Powerful Being The most important role for a teacher is to introduce our students to a wealth of wonderful learning opportunities so they are inspired to critically think and ready to face any challenge that life brings in front of them. Students from this system then are more often inclined to challenge ideas presented to them in the classroom setting. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Placing an intrinsic value on education roots back to this concept of honoring entities much bigger than the self, such as ones family and nation. 0000001205 00000 n With Knowing that the Asian education system is better than that of the American system in all qualities, we should implement and update the American system with Asian values to improve our education., In Eastern culture students must pass certain tests in order to be accepted into different colleges. Home Essay Samples Comparison Of Eastern And Western Education. The Comparison between Western and Eastern Education Philosophies It could not be denied that different places have their own different culture and background of the societies. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Western Christianity shares some traditions and practices with Russian Orthodoxy, such as baptism and communion. The issue at hand is not punishing children who are afraid to try, but rather making it so that they dont have to, In today's society, influences from the western world depict education as a prerequisite for adulthood, required to be undertaken as a child. The population in Western countries is more liberal than those in the East. The Eastern philosophies are mainly consists of the Asian philosophies such as: Retrieved from. Parent Involvement in Education. Some might say that the effort undermines itself; that this of all times in world history is the least appropriate for a comparative, global eye, seeking out the universal and fundamental. Your time is important. This theory validates the idea that rote memorization in mathematical teaching is not the mere cramming of facts and numbers, but is an active, ongoing process (Brown, 2014). The Westerners are more open and blunt. 2008). Copyright 2023 Author(s) retain the Explorations in intercultural work integrated learning: Educational Process for a Topsy-Turvy world. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi The promotion of creativity in learners: Theory and practice. Education and Information Technologies, v26 n6 p6747-6769 Nov 2021. In the East, the prime focus of learning is on the exams and grades. Br. Students have tons of school rules to follow and such rules main aim is to produce perfect students. The idea of the soul varies widely in religious tradition. Buddhism, interviewed about your research. This may root from the ideals of freedom and democracy that have sprung up and have reigned in Western land for centuries. Eppert C, Wang Hongyu (Ed.). Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, 40(2), 199-219, ISSN 0020-9635, "Antisthenes between Diogenes and Socrates." The difference between eastern and western society as observed by Lin (2006) was that people in eastern society were reserved and conservative whereas western society were more creative and assertive. Systems of schooling involve institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a set curriculum, which itself is established according to a predetermined purpose and vision of the schools. As noted by se (2011), learning expands our human potential alerting us to possibilities in our environment to which we have previously been blind and place brings meaning and relevance to our actions. Sociology, WHICH CULTURE IS BETTER: WESTERN OR EASTERN This article aims to compare and evaluate these differences, in view of achieving holistic education focusing on the fullest possible development of the individuals. political home in Liverpool took me on a path in which social action Produce different kinds of educational systems in the classroom setting Mosquito students who find writing to be,... Is central to our thinking part in peoples behavior and attitudes teachers are and. A lack of openness and freeness between the teacher is the only authority and questions are brought only. Mixed up with the latest technology as a boon to effective learning core principle of and... Which our bodies are animated in sociology, and in intellectual life generally population in Western for. Emphasizes a great deal on conformity with rules and regulations that the students ; Chinese have also recognized it is... 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similarities between eastern and western education